Water Elemental Classic Wow Quest

Elemental water is used for crafting.
Water elemental classic wow quest. Water elemental core is a quest item needed for fuel for the zapping. It is looted from sea spray. They will offer you the following quest. In the elemental trade goods category.
250 reputation with stormwind. To finish this quest bring a sample of each of the elements to bath rah in alterac mountains. The location of this npc is unknown. The water elementals were no doubt summoned by gazban the goblin wizard rumored to have discovered the stone of the tides.
Added in world of warcraft. In the items category. Lesser water elemental is a level 36 37 npc that can be found in stranglethorn vale. Drink the sapta turn and look at the 8 water elementals one of them you will be able to fight.
A level 25 northern stranglethorn quest. In the npcs category. Acquire 6 water elemental bracers. Turn round and speak to the water elemental on the little island in the water.
An item from classic world of warcraft. You can do this at the same time as the stonetalon standstill quest. You can only have one at a time on you. This mob is found in mystal lake at loc 47 70.
I managed to kill him twice and both times he dropped the befouled water globe. As you may know the stone of the tides curses its bearer causing him to fade in and out of existence. Perhaps we can find a way to counteract the curse. It is looted from gryth thurden.
Pick up the bracers go over to the brazier and click it. You are then done once you return to islen you will get your water totem.