Walstad Fish Bowl

The point of the walstad method and a properly maintained fish bowl is to have high plant mass with low bioload.
Walstad fish bowl. The walstad method is an increasingly popular way of creating a small ecosystem within the home aquarium. 5 litre walstad tank set up in one day with fish this method of setting up an aquarium tank was made popular by diana walstad author of the book ecology of the planted aquarium a practical manual and scientific treatise for the home aquarist. This demo uses animation techniques to display fish animating around a fish bowl. And if the bowl is indeed 10 gallons i think you can definitely keep some type of nano fish like the galaxy rasbora or a chili rasbora.
Hobbyists used tanks as small as a 2 5 gallons fish bowl to nano tanks 5 to 10 gallons to medium tanks 10 to 20 gallons to large tanks 30 gallons and up. I think the walstad bowl works on the principle that the plants do the filtering. Thanks for checking out this internet explorer 9 platform preview demo. The walstad method enables one to do fewer water changes on the aquarium because the plants do most of the filtering.
My substrate is gravel 1 miracle grow organic potting soil 1 and a sand cap 5 yeah i was a little hesitant about the wcm s for that very reason. The walstad method is very flexible with regards to the size of the tank you want to choose. But make sure that you are heavily planted. Whether you have a question to ask or a planted tank to show off this is the place.
Water temp generally stays around an average of 22c due to its location but can range from 19c 24c. Heavily planted high lighting roughly 7 5g bought from an op shop a while ago no extra additions such as a bubbler or filter. This way the plants you are growing can easily keep up with the waste produced by. Walstad tank aquascaped by fritz rabaya philippines what light to use.
And i would add some shrimp in there. Basically it s a natural planted tank with a substrate containing a soil underlayer. I ve got 3 more bowls and this is the largest my office bowl is a better example of a more standard walstad. Water is crystal clear as my driftwood doesn t contain tannins and the ph stays around 7 due to my substrate.