Water Softener Causing Low Water Pressure

These are filters that remove any dirt that is carried suspended in the municipal water supply.
Water softener causing low water pressure. Other causes of low water pressure other than a softener pipe blockage or buildup. Unplug the unit from the wall. If you have been getting good water pressure while the water softener is installed then a sudden drop in pressure could indicate a hitch with the water softener. Insert a screwdriver into the backwash control for the tanks and backwash the system.
If on the other hand there s been a sudden drop in pressure that can be the sign of a recent and. To check if a new water softener is causing low water pressure look for the bypass valve which is normally on top of the water softener. A blocked resin bed. A particle filter is blocked.
To prevent them from causing low pressure you should ensure they are sized correctly to keep up with the demand. However if you still have low water. Nevertheless the following issues can make the softener reduce the pressure in your home. Close the inlet and outlet valves on the tank by turning the water control knobs.
Water softener problem troubleshooting. How to fix water softener problems with low pressure step 1. Yes a water softener can cause low water pressure. How water softeners bring about low water pressure.
Hard water is often littered with particles and to this end many water softeners are. However most manufacturers insist that as long as the softener remains balanced with the water needs of the households you shouldn t experience low water pressure.