Water Main Installation Procedure

January 10 2018page 1.
Water main installation procedure. These are the specifications for installation of water main services and hydrants and all appurtenances thereof for maine water company. New construction use tap tee. This procedure is for internal staff and engineering consultants only 1 toronto water water infrastructure management watermain asset planning unit will determine the best source of water for the watermain replacement project and inform the designer of the point of connection s at the 30 per cent design phase. This procedure is for internal staff and engineering consultants only 1 toronto water water infrastructure management watermain asset planning unit will determine the best source of water for the watermain replacement project and inform the designer of the point of connection s at the 30 per cent design phase.
6 implementation date is dwwp specific continue current practices respecting main breaks or implement the requirements of the new procedures. Outdated browsers lack safety features that keep your information secure and they can. Video shows installation of new water main directly into the 6 inch street water main. New watermain installation procedure.
Awwa c653 standard for disinfection of water treatment plants. Tapping to be completed with service saddle. 1 1 the work to be done consists of trenching laying water main services hydrants and other necessary appurtenances backfilling the trench and properly completing the work of water main construction at locations called for in accordance with plans approved by and at a. Tap connection through service saddle completed using.
This is the time to. New watermain installation procedure. Turns out they were removing the old main because it was lead pipe. Watermain testing and commissioning procedures introduction all water main installation connected to the city of whitehorse water distribution system must be installed disinfected and commissioned according togeneral accepted practices.
Water main installation service connections pvc direct tapping can but done but not recommended. New watermain installation procedure. The rough in plumbing phase which occurs in conjunction with the wiring and duct installation phase takes place after the framing is complete but before hanging drywall. Section 1 description of work.
The project consulting engineer and the contractor installing the pipe are responsible for ensuring pressure. Harris water main sewer contractors continues to serve brooklyn queens manhattan and the bronx as the industry leader when it comes to water main and sewer line installations. Service connections should be a minimum of 1 m from adjacent service pipe bell or fitting. Awwa c652 standard for disinfection of water storage facilities.
And awwa c654 standard for disinfection of wells. The harris family has been serving the 5 boroughs and all of their plumbing needs for over 90 years it is important for us to make sure that our customers have a detailed understanding on how a water main is.