Water Heater Code Colorado

Building code compliance policy rev.
Water heater code colorado. 7 201 8 approved state building codes exh a bldgcodes rev. 7 2020 code compliance plan review procedures exh b bldgcodes rev. Due to various injuries and accidents related to water heaters over the last ten years most cities and counties have adopted either the 2006 2009 or 2012 uniform plumbing code or in the case of california the california plumbing code. Code expert glenn mathewson describes 10 common water heater code issues including confusion about drip pans and drains unsupported expansion tanks and plastic vents lack of combustion air and more.
The installation must conform with this manual local codes and with the current edition of the national fuel gas code ansi z223 1. 5 2019 action plan for code compliance exh k bldgcodes rev. Hot water water at a temperature greater than or equal to 110 f 43 c. You can peruse the complete water heater code here.
The california water heater code is part of a larger statewide california plumbing code and has several very specific restrictions. Whenever the colorado plumbing code and the colorado fuel gas code refer to the code official it shall mean the board or its designee if any. The following shall apply to the colorado plumbing code and colorado fuel gas code. The owner or the registered design professional.
This does not mean it is good design to store the hot water at 110 f. Need to hire a plumber. Water heater strap codes are a subset of the plumbing codes in each state. Colorado per sections 106 3 4 and chapter 17.
A level service space not less than 30 inches 762 mm in length and 30 inches 762 mm in width shall be present at the front or service side of the water heater. The plumbing codes define hot water as follows. 3 2020 project close out code compliance documentation transmittal exhibit l 1. The clear access opening dimensions shall be not less than 20 inches by 30 inches 508 mm by 762 mm where such dimensions are large enough to allow removal of the water heater.
This gas fired water heater is design certified by csa international under american national standard csa standard for gas water heaters ansi z21 10 1 csa 4 1 current edition. The two most prevalent plumbing codes used in the united states are. Furnace and water heater replacements compliance with the stamped approved plans and any applicable codes regulations. The international plumbing code ipc this is a set of plumbing codes that meshes well with the international code council s icc whole family of building codes.
Fast water heater company performs installations as safely as possible to protect you and your family.