Water Hardness Scale Conversion

If hardness is in mg l or ppm convert it into gpg by dividing it with 17 1.
Water hardness scale conversion. Looking for your city water hardness value in canada we ve got it. For example say you have a water hardness value of 180 ppm. Lenntech european head office distributieweg 3 2645 eg delfgauw the netherlands phone. Water hardness is often not expressed as a molar concentration but rather in various units such as degrees of general hardness dgh german degrees dh parts per million ppm mg l or american degrees grains per gallon gpg english degrees e e or clark or french degrees fh f or hf.
A grain of water hardness is comparable to 1 7000th of a pound. No of persons 75 gallons no of gpg mg lit iron total grains to be removed per day. Treated or softened water 0 1 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm slightly hard 1 2 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm medium hard 3 7 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm hard 7 10 5 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm. Just click on the province you re in and find your city.
For example if your water test shows 250 mg l hardness you actually have 14 62 grains per gallon. 121 ppm to 180 ppm as hard above 181 ppm as very hard. Water hardness conversion table ppm mmol l mg l french degrees german degrees grains per gallon degrees clark 1 is 0 0099 1 0 1 0 056 0 058 0 07 10 is 0 099 10 1 0 56 0 58 0 7 14 3 is 0 142 14 3 1 43 0 8 0 84 1 17 1 is 0 169 17 1 1 71 0 96 1 1 2 17 8 is 0 176 17 8 1 78 1 1 04 1 25. If a test for hard water is measured in parts per million or milligrams per liter you can take the total hardness level and divide it by 17 1 to get hardness in grains per gallon.
As a general rule for classification of hardness water having hardness below 60 ppm is considered as soft water 61 ppm to 120 ppm as moderately hard. Lowercase f is used to prevent confusion with degrees fahrenheit. The result is the water hardness expressed in grains per gallon. We contacted the municipal water utilities directly to obtain their actual measured values.
If your city is missing let us know and we ll add it in right away. Divide the ppm hardness value by 17 1 the conversion factor for ppm to gpg. Water hardness info is really. Work out 180 17 1 10 526.