Water Hardness Grains To Ppm

Treated or softened water 0 1 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm slightly hard 1 2 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm medium hard 3 7 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm hard 7 10 5 gpg total grains x 17 1 equals ppm.
Water hardness grains to ppm. Also called clark degree in terms of an imperial gallon. Divide the ppm hardness value by 17 1 the conversion factor for ppm to gpg. The total hardness you need to set will be 25 on your softener to account for the iron levels. Spread the water testing word.
Some manufacturers will tell you to add 5 points up for every 1 ppm of iron in the water. Formula to measure no of grains to be removed. No of persons 75 gallons no of gpg mg lit iron total grains to be removed per day. Water hardness levels are depicted in milligrams per liter mg l parts per million ppm or grains per gallon gpg.
Water hardness conversion table ppm mmol l mg l french degrees german degrees grains per gallon degrees clark 1 is 0 0099 1 0 1 0 056 0 058 0 07 10 is 0 099 10 1 0 56 0 58 0 7 14 3 is 0 142 14 3 1 43 0 8 0 84 1 17 1 is 0 169 17 1 1 71 0 96 1 1 2 17 8 is 0 176 17 8 1 78 1 1 04 1 25. Work out 180 17 1 10 526. The longer water is exposed to a certain stone the harder it will be. If hardness is in mg l or ppm convert it into gpg by dividing it with 17 1.
The grain per gallon gpg is a unit of water hardness defined as 1 grain 64 8 milligrams of calcium carbonate dissolved in 1 us gallon of water 3 785412 l. For example let s say your water hardness is 15 gpg and you have 2 ppm of iron. For example if your water test shows 250 mg l hardness you actually have 14 62 grains per gallon. It translates into 1 part in about 58 000 parts of water or 17 1 parts per million ppm.
Simply put multiplying a gpg hardness reading by 17 1 will tell you what the hardness is in ppm and conversely dividing a ppm hardness reading by 17 1 will yield the hardness in gpg. For example water from an underground aquifer will be harder than water from a river or lake. The result is the water hardness expressed in grains per gallon. Both units of measurement refer to the amount of hardness in the water tested.
This map uses ppm measures. It takes 17 1 ppm to equal 1 gpg.