Water Diversion Definition

Diversion projects may be developed for purposes of hydroelectric power generation farm irrigation consumer and industrial water supply and flood control.
Water diversion definition. Clean water diversions products. These diversions can be temporary or permanent solutions to divert surface waters. Kids definition of diversion. The term is chiefly applied to the unauthorized change or alteration of a water course to the prejudice of a lower riparian or to the unauthorized use of funds.
Water diversion projects include the construction of dams levees pumping stations irrigation canals or any other manmade structure that modifies the natural flow of a waterway. Noun the act of diverting or turning aside as from a course or purpose. Seasonal dams are temporary structures that can be erected to store water for immediate or later diversion or removed to allow flows and in most cases fish to pass. The diverted water can be used for supplying irrigation systems or reservoirs.
Water diversion diverting water away from its natural channel for commercial or private use. Diversion a turning aside or altering of the natural course or route of a thing. Diversion dams are installed to raise the water level of a body of water to allow the water to be redirected. A channel made to divert the flow of water from one course to another or to direct the flow of water draining from a piece of ground.
An act or instance of changing the direction or use of diversion of the river. Diversion dams are used to raise the water level in order to redirect the water to the designated location. A diversion of industry into the war effort. A detour on a highway or road.
Something that relaxes distracts or entertains the city offers many diversions for visitors.