Wastewander Water Pouch Quest

This quest is great to farm for some good food water its fast and free.
Wastewander water pouch quest. Cuz now i get 1 reputation point when i turn in 5. This is an exellent way of farming rep for your. A level 44 tanaris quest. Added in content phase.
Classic theme thottbot theme. It is looted from. Added in classic world of warcraft. Always up to date.
You also get the care package repeatedly. Comment by allakhazam sucks that you can t obtain this quest till 40 the mobs are 40 41 with the occasional 42. That s our water anyway the nomads have just stolen it is all. Comment by allakhazam doing it at lvl 43 easy quest good xp good item drops.
Water pouch bounty quest. Comment by allakhazam bandits 60 25 noonshade ruins pattern drop thieves 64. Comment by dbfblackbull as tnargraef wrote above the wastewander water pouch repeatable turn in quest gives the following rewards care package 10 gadgetzan rep 5 ratchet rep 5 booty bay rep 5 everlook rep 0 bloodsail buccaneers rep this continues all the way to maximum exalted. After doing this quest only around 8 times maybe i have over stack.
In game link in game link forum link forum link wowpedia wowpedia wastewander water pouch. Bfa ptr beta classic. The quest continues to be available even after you hit revered. If you repeat this quest you still only need 5 wastewander water pouches to turn in which drop frequently from the mobs from the quest line and you get 150 rep for each turn in 165 for humans.
Comment by 35493 very very easily solo d at lvl 43 shaman. Wastewander water pouch item. Coords listed above are a very good spawn site comment by sacredxavier a manageable quest do take note not to sell the pouches though just keep them to finish the first pouch quest provided by the same questgiver. These water pouches are just random drops off the npc s named wastewander.
I just did this quest twice today he gave me food water and an hp potion second time he gave me scroll of intell3. I ve already pull two or three. You receive a good amount of xp at first to complete the quest then it is still repeatable. You might wanna pick up the wastewander pouches both for the quest and for turn ins at gadgetzan.
If you happen to get five at a time its 380xp for just turning them in plus you get a chance at some pimp items. 150 reputation with gadgetzan. Comment by thottbot is there any other way to get rep with gadgetzan other than the waste wander pouches. The gadgetzan water company will offer you an official care.
Take you maybe 10 20mins to get 5water drops. This is the easiest and fastest acess to the good food water for as early as it can be done. In the items category. I tend to find them more on the theifs and bandits but everyone does drop them.
Suggest you combine this quest with the water pouch quest the drop rate is low but you need the kills anyway.