Wasp Spray Vs Pepper Spray

Wasp spray may or may not work at all.
Wasp spray vs pepper spray. Wasp spray has not been thoroughly tested as a self defense product while pepper spray has. Johnson february 16 2017 people have long talked about the benefits of using wasp spray instead of using pepper spray or oc spray for self defense. You must also consider that the wasp spray canister may take several seconds for the spray to expel and does not always function the same way every time it is used. Wasp sprays on the other hand consist of one or more insecticides such as pyrethrum or propoxur.
It might also take additional time for the attacker to develop a reaction to the wasp spray. Watch the video to find out how wasp spray is not nearly irritating enough to stop a. Wasp spray vs pepper spray. Wasp sprays are an insecticide.
This makes it a choice for personal self defense for many people across the country. It forces the subject to close his or her eyes allowing the victim a chance to escape. The main ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin an oil extracted from chili peppers which temporarily causes severe irritation of the eyes and lungs producing a strong burning sensation and difficulty breathing. It is also available for purchase on the market.
When it comes to wasp spray vs pepper spray for self defense the choice is clear. Pepper spray is an obvious choice when it comes to personal self defense weapons. Pepper spray is sold where it is legal to obtain retail as a personal defense weapon against attackers both human and animal. On the other hand pepper spray canisters have been designed for quick reaction time.
The wasp spray they told her can shoot up to twenty feet away and is a lot more accurate while with the pepper spray they have to get too close to you and could overpower you. Further pepper spray is formulated specifically for use on humans.